It’s very interesting for those who love history to just get back and do the disectional analysis of events, more so the church history or the history of the church depending from where you are standing.
We have to begin by understanding what Christendom is all about and what it all involves.
“Christendom is about economic, political, social life as inspired by Christian principles.
That is in the modern trend of events it’s ending and witnessing it die.
The symptoms seem to be before our very eyes: the breakup of the family, divorce, abortion, immorality, general dishonesty.
We take it for granted, we get used to things, and almost accept them as the rule.
Despite the decline blaring today, isn’t that a rule? Today, how many Catholics accept the counter message to Humanae Vitae?
The press that we read, the television that we see, is in no instance inspired by Christian principles.
As a matter of fact, there is, on the part of many of us, the tendency to go down to meet the world rather than to lift the world up. We are afraid of being unpopular so we go with the mob.
The Church is not a continuing thing it dies and rises again.
It proceeds on the principle of Christ himself as priest and victim, and there comes the defeat, the seeming decay, we are put in the grave, and then we rise again.
We have had four deaths in our Christian history
The Church became “rotten” as nuns and priests were defecting.
Then came the reformers who “almost always reform the wrong things.
And they began reforming the faith, and there was nothing wrong with faith it was the morals that needed to be reformed.
It’s not renewal it’s really a moral reformation that is needed today more than yesterday.
The Church rotes, and it is rotting, we’re spoiled no great zeal, no great learning, no great fire.
Yet there’s hope because those who know history are never disturbed.
By the 16th century the attack was on the body of Christ, the mystical body, the Church.
It was Reformation time. Today we have to conform to the world or we’re branded. One has to be politically correct.
“Our Lord said, I have taken you out of the world. We say, ‘No we have to win the world, and to win it you have to be one with it.’ Our Lord says, I pray not for the world. He was praying for the spirit of the world. And this is the easiest kind of way to fall off the log worldliness.
It’s so simple, and it can be justified for a thousand reasons; namely, the Vatican Council said we have to go into the world indeed, but not to be world, which is quite a different matter. So this is our attack today.”
Today the current is against us. And today the mood of the world is, ‘Go with the world, go with the spirit.’ Listen, dead bodies float downstream. Only live bodies resist the current. And so the good Lord is testing us.”
We are testing Western Christians with worldliness, and how many of us are falling?” How far the decadence and corruption have piled up?
God is testing us in the modern desert. St. John says in his Epistle: ‘They did not love us really from the beginning. That is why they left us.’
And so the souls that are falling away have just failed to meet the test. It is very much like the test that the Jews had.
What we are having in the Church is a minority report: a minority report of sisters, a minority report of priests, a minority report of laity not the minority that is aggressive and troublemaking, but the minority that like Caleb and Joshua, trusts in God. So we are tested just as the Jews were tested.”
And if there is anything that has to be restored in our day, we would say it would be violence.
Violence! The kingdom of heaven is won by violence. And only the violent shall conquer it. Shouldn’t it be about peace?
We are dropping peace, discipline, commitment to the Cross, and the world picks it up…That’s why there’s no stopping the violence of this country. We just have to…hire more police guards, build more hospitals for the addicts. Why? Because there’s no moral reason on the inside why they should stop.”
We should take seriously spending an hour before the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament every day not only for our own souls, but for the world, and to strengthen our minority. It’s “violence” to ourselves, easily enough understood.
The Lord is keeping reserves. He is training us. We’ll make the entry. We’ll prepare for a new Church.
And he is with us we just simply can’t add rules only we’ve already won as a matter of fact, only the news has not yet leaked out —and so it’s violence that has to be restored.
We have to begin by understanding what Christendom is all about and what it all involves.
“Christendom is about economic, political, social life as inspired by Christian principles.
That is in the modern trend of events it’s ending and witnessing it die.
The symptoms seem to be before our very eyes: the breakup of the family, divorce, abortion, immorality, general dishonesty.
We take it for granted, we get used to things, and almost accept them as the rule.
Despite the decline blaring today, isn’t that a rule? Today, how many Catholics accept the counter message to Humanae Vitae?
The press that we read, the television that we see, is in no instance inspired by Christian principles.
As a matter of fact, there is, on the part of many of us, the tendency to go down to meet the world rather than to lift the world up. We are afraid of being unpopular so we go with the mob.
The Church is not a continuing thing it dies and rises again.
It proceeds on the principle of Christ himself as priest and victim, and there comes the defeat, the seeming decay, we are put in the grave, and then we rise again.
We have had four deaths in our Christian history
The Church became “rotten” as nuns and priests were defecting.
Then came the reformers who “almost always reform the wrong things.
And they began reforming the faith, and there was nothing wrong with faith it was the morals that needed to be reformed.
It’s not renewal it’s really a moral reformation that is needed today more than yesterday.
The Church rotes, and it is rotting, we’re spoiled no great zeal, no great learning, no great fire.
Yet there’s hope because those who know history are never disturbed.
By the 16th century the attack was on the body of Christ, the mystical body, the Church.
It was Reformation time. Today we have to conform to the world or we’re branded. One has to be politically correct.
“Our Lord said, I have taken you out of the world. We say, ‘No we have to win the world, and to win it you have to be one with it.’ Our Lord says, I pray not for the world. He was praying for the spirit of the world. And this is the easiest kind of way to fall off the log worldliness.
It’s so simple, and it can be justified for a thousand reasons; namely, the Vatican Council said we have to go into the world indeed, but not to be world, which is quite a different matter. So this is our attack today.”
Today the current is against us. And today the mood of the world is, ‘Go with the world, go with the spirit.’ Listen, dead bodies float downstream. Only live bodies resist the current. And so the good Lord is testing us.”
We are testing Western Christians with worldliness, and how many of us are falling?” How far the decadence and corruption have piled up?
God is testing us in the modern desert. St. John says in his Epistle: ‘They did not love us really from the beginning. That is why they left us.’
And so the souls that are falling away have just failed to meet the test. It is very much like the test that the Jews had.
What we are having in the Church is a minority report: a minority report of sisters, a minority report of priests, a minority report of laity not the minority that is aggressive and troublemaking, but the minority that like Caleb and Joshua, trusts in God. So we are tested just as the Jews were tested.”
And if there is anything that has to be restored in our day, we would say it would be violence.
Violence! The kingdom of heaven is won by violence. And only the violent shall conquer it. Shouldn’t it be about peace?
We are dropping peace, discipline, commitment to the Cross, and the world picks it up…That’s why there’s no stopping the violence of this country. We just have to…hire more police guards, build more hospitals for the addicts. Why? Because there’s no moral reason on the inside why they should stop.”
We should take seriously spending an hour before the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament every day not only for our own souls, but for the world, and to strengthen our minority. It’s “violence” to ourselves, easily enough understood.
The Lord is keeping reserves. He is training us. We’ll make the entry. We’ll prepare for a new Church.
And he is with us we just simply can’t add rules only we’ve already won as a matter of fact, only the news has not yet leaked out —and so it’s violence that has to be restored.