You are now fascinated by the world around you with your self, exploring the secrets and mysteries of your own psyche and emotions.
Psychology has made great progress in exploring the obscure roots of our judgements, desires and decisions.
You are now called to commit yourself. Are you able to make permanent commitment, a commitment that will last for a life time.
You now have the capacity to comprehend yourself and the world around you, but your decisions are going to be made within a very restricted field, you can’t get committed to the unknown, all will be within the field of your perception. Eventually it enlargens a person never stops growing.
New knowledge and inspiration, new worlds will open up for you now with need to re-evaluate your previous promises. You now have increased freedom.
A commitment for life at a given stage would be equivalent to imprisoning yourself. Chained to your narrow past by a promise that at present may not open yourself to the future.
Never commit yourself to permanent promises before finishing it (student) not married boy/girl. Don’t fear to break your promise if after a long experience you know it was a mistake. No man/woman can commit himself for life, but when it comes to an adventure in which God is the main party, the real question is not what you can do but how far the strength of God can go. And it can go far.
God can commit himself to the lifespan of a fragile man/woman and much beyond it. God always loves an adventure with God (Gen 12:1). Lifelong commitment, not only Abraham, wife and son but all his posterity.
The prophets in the OT Yhwh never abandons them. The twelve apostles. He committed himself to them for life and beyond. This should inspire you to the permanent commitment.
Man is not strong enough to commit himself for a life time. Yet faith has to commit himself for a lifetime. Yet faith has a dimension beyond the reach of psychology and our personal craftiness.