Thursday, April 29, 2010


Have you ever reflected on why you do the things you do and what makes you happy?
We all have different thoughts, actions, and emotions; you just have to be true to yourself when you reflect on your own life.
Take an honest look on your life and realise how much the different emotions are on you. We do things depending on the spirit's level of awareness.
Do you depend on possessions, people and things outside of yourself to make you happy? Do you depend on escapism like watching T.V, movies, or in isolation to do things you like, looking for happiness for yourself?
The business and advertising worlds know this very well. They use your dependence on things outside of yourself so that you feel good, to entice you to buy what they are selling. Have you ever taken a serious look at why you buy the things you buy?
Don't expect the outside world to produce lasting happiness, because after the initial euphoria wears off, you will find yourself looking outside of yourself for more or different things to make you feel good again. Regenerate yourself and let happiness come from within. Internal happiness costs nothing to acquire it and no one, except yourself, can ever take it away from you.
But how does one create this internal happiness from within? It's easier if you think about it. If you want to be happy, all you have to do is to stop thinking about yourself and help others. The less you think about yourself and the more you help others, the happier you will become. This is a fact. (Are you trying to look at the roof to figure it out if it's true?)
When you help someone, you are being generous with your time and personal resources. You are being brave because you are not afraid of losing out while you are helping someone else. Instead of yourself, you experience the feeling of love and well being when you help someone.
Take time out of your life to help others, it will help you feel happy inside you. Invest your energy and time wisely. If you love your work in your daily duties, and you live in an honest community life by helping others, you are a very rich person in many ways.
You can do anything you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want. You can have the best of both your inner and other worlds, as long as you are always truthful, positive and helping others.

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