The Reality of the Migrants
In times like ours, there are so many things being
done at the frontiers of the deep seas, oceans, marked by persistent economic and by
a crisis of values, terrorism, weapon trade, drug trade and human trafficking.
These acts expose many to conditions that are detrimental and harmful to their personal
The migrant person is often forced, with complex
structural and supernatural reasons, to move away from his or her place of
origin for the sake of survival, and in the new environment often remains
socially, politically and culturally isolated. The migrant is left to confront
his/her alienable freedom, hence becoming subject to violence and fraud, corrupt
cartels, mafia and with this the migrant finds himself/herself restless and
perturbed, why? Because the migrant personality is ignored or degraded.
This migrant is so much in need for work, to settle down and
continue with life, once things start to settling from where he comes from, he
feel safe to return to build his ‘patria’, he has the enthusiasm to get back,
make a U-turn to get back home, there is always time to return home, that dream
is always very clear in each migrant of good will.
The Church document called the 'Joys and Hopes of the Church' ‘Gaudium-Joys…et- and Spes-Hope’ all these being Latin words is simply put as the joys and
hopes in the migrants, who once there is work, ordinary means of subsistence
and cooperation in God’s creation (Gaudium #72) states that this has to be in
consistent with the dignity of the person (Google Gaudium et Spes, nn.66-67).
Migrants constitute a fundamental test stand for the
application of the Declaration of fundamental human rights, this has to be made
with great bold steps decisions, radial fundamental better options on the reality
before our eyes that manifests itself on the deep-water sea frontiers.
The phenomenon of migration shows clearly that there
is no satisfactory international economic and political order that has yet to
be achieved. Something is not adding up somehow, and if that is not addressed,
there will be always migrants continuing dying in the deep water seas in order
to look for deep the green pasture in Europe. All nations have to put their
forces together and literally confront the reality of migration. One nation problem
is problem for all.
In the 80s, and late 90s many thought terrorism was
one country problem, most European countries ignored it, Europe became
indifferent and did not want to listen. They looked at the reality as
phenomenon of disgruntled, unemployed and delinquent young generational problem
who have lost meaning and direction in life. Today Europe is paying for the
ignored cancer and that has spread in Europe like a bush fire which they can’t
put off.
Once migration is not checked and looked into, and
resources put at the disposal to look into what exactly is causing the great
exodus out of Africa to Europe, it will be a time bomb that Europe may not
handle. The drama will continue and with daring, glaring repercussions.
Europeans came to Africa and talked well about Europe
how it has developed, cultured, organised and everything literally works. Take
has passed and now the migrants are warming up to see this promised land of
milk and honey. Europe has now to prove that what they promised, talked about
has to work. Once you open your door to the strangers, it’s not something worth
new explanation but, charity put in practice.
There will always be enough bread
for all, but don’t give bread while complaining, that is what changes reality.
Like the lady in the bible with Elijah, floor and oil didn’t finish actually it
was in abundant. This is what civilization is all about, that civilization
ought to be rooted in love, overcoming rigidity and entering into the mode of
nationalism, that the few people of the given communities not look at migrants
as nuisance, inconvenience and out to cause disorder and discomfort.
We all I do believe pray the prayer of ‘OUR FATHER…’ that says,there is a part which says ‘Give us this day our daily bread’ and
for sure God always provides that daily bread, the great miracle id the way we
share that bread at the table. Jess teaches us to ‘take it, break it, break it
and share it’ he doesn’t say take it and hide it somewhere. To do this, is a
sign of weak society, selfish society and auto sufficient attitude that has no
space or place in the international family.
Migrants work but they are not assured of working
permit, if they really work, their work and earning is basically hand to mouth
for basic sustainability. There are people who strive in exploitation for the
migrants for personal economic gains, hence subjecting the migrants to untold
painful experiences which simply are left inn hearts and are never shared for
fear of backlash.
Migrants are vulnerable, weak and susceptible to all types of
dangers. The host nations have to make sure that as they settle the migrants,
decent dignified accorded housing, healthcare, food, schooling are not pathetic
or dehumanizing conditions and environment.
Migrants should not be turned into child labour,
prostitution, human trafficking, forced labour, house confinement, brothels or
death dens of migrants. Sometimes what happens in some of these European cities
as far as migrants are concerned is never exposed to the media for the fear of
exposing the nation to the international family. Once in a while something
small is put on the news bars and that means it has been leaked, or the
situation is bad. That means there devilish, fetish, carnivorous underground
world of horror, blood thirst orgies and vampire kingdom.
If the migrants could have known of these happenings
they would not dare risk their lives in deep water seas, but because of
economic and political conditions of some countries are serious factors causing
these ever more clandestine exoduses.
Sometimes, if not often the spiritual good towards the
migrants lacks, coercion in religious field, but also real possibility of
worship and of religious practice. These migrants come across horrible things
in the deep seas, that once you listen to their testimonies of those who manage
to reach the show, looks like an unfinished movie. The face death, their souls
sink into the sea and what remain is simply a body shell with no dignity but an
entity closer of humanity. They need spiritual strength, counselling, some
sought of religiosity for soul searching and healing the wounds.
In the Declaration of Religious Liberty, the Vatican
II Council stated that ‘A human being has
a right to religious freedom. Freedom of this kind means that all men and women
should be immuned to coercion on the part of the individuals, social groups and
every human power so that, within due limits, nobody is forced to act against
his conviction in the religious matters in private or public, alone or in
association with others …. the Council further declares that the right to
religious freedom is based on every dignity of human person as known through
the revealed word of God and by reason itself’.
The right of the human person to religious freedom
must be given such recognition in the constitutional order of society as will
make it civil rights (Vatican II Council
Declaration on Religious Liberty Dignitatis Humanae, 7 December 1975, nn.2)
For this reason, ‘The
church strictly forbids that anyone should be forced to accept the faith, or be
induced or enticed by unworthy devices, as it likewise strongly defends the
rights that no one should be frightened away from the faith by unjust
persecutions’ (II Vatican Council, Decree on Church Missionary Activity Ad Gentes Divinitis, 7 Dec 1965, nn.13).
In many past years migrants have been discriminated
against and prevented from professing their religious faith, when it differed
with the official religion. In numerous occasions they have been forced to
practice their religion in secrecy. Its therefore opportune that those
concerned governments and countries restate expressly and for today’s society
the freedom to worship and the right to association for religious purposes. To
find the sunk spirit and soul of the migrants.
Freedom of movement be accorded to pastors and clergy,
who intend to minister and assist the migrant workers and their families. Their
presence is catalytic agent in promoting a positive insertion of migrants in
new countries. Offering of language and cultural programmes of study especially
for migrant women, frequently excluded, particularly if employed in domestic
work, from contacts with the local society, thus running the risk of acute
isolation for themselves and their families. A priority goal, the protection of
migrant women against all conditions of exploitation and marginalization.
‘Its through
culture that man lives a truly human life’…This was reiterated by John Paul II, address to UNESCO Paris, 2 June 1980.
The right of everyone and every people to culture translates itself also in the
teaching of language and culture of origin, integrated in normal courses also
by the indigenous student population, so that future generations will acquire
greater knowledge and consequently, greater respect, for the values and riches
of every culture, and thus the human family may draw closer even within the
diversity and richness of all cultures.
The migrant workers not only contribute with their
labour to the wealth of the receiving country, but also by bringing their own
cultural heritage. In conjunction with the respect for the migrants’ culture,
there must be also the guaranty for continuing education. The receiving country
should not regard cultural problems as economic liability, but rather as a long-term
investment which will bring a cultural enrichment and guaranties of peace and harmony
among various ethnic groups.
The discrimination between local and migrant families
must be avoided, as well as circumstances leading to possible breaking of
family ties. Husband and wife shouldn’t be separated from their families, the
unity of the family ought to be respected, upheld, for the family is the single
unit of civilization, it’s the church and mover of peace, harmony and
development of any country.
All rights of migrants should be supported by all the countries
which make up the United Nation and become a decisive impulse for programme in
favour of migrant workers and their families.
The Bible
The RSV Bible
Church Documents
Gaudium et Spes
John Paul II, address to
UNESCO Paris, 2 June
Paths to Peace, A contribution
Documents of the Holy See to the International Community, New York,1987
The Declaration of Religious Liberty, the Vatican II Council
Vatican II Council Declaration
on Religious Liberty Dignitatis Humanae, 7 December 1975,
Vatican II Council, Decree on
Church Missionary Activity Ad Gentes Divinitis, 7 Dec 1965