Wednesday, April 15, 2020




Sometimes when we listen to our emotional tones, they sometimes can cut off communication; for example: mother always said... This statement is like having a red flag before a bull.

So many of have emotional reactions to certain words, when we hear them lights flash and alarm bells clang.

A good listener fights back emotional response. He needs time to understand the other person and see the other person and see the full implication of what is being said.


a) Pay attention to one another

b) Pay attention to what people are doing all around you and what they are asking you to do.

c) Pay attention to what is happening inside you as a direct result of all that is happening outside and around you.

Combine all the three and the result will be an element of reconciliation. We live in the world of strangers, and we daily search for hospitable places where life can be lived without fears.

Each one of us is like a rock with walls and barriers that keep others out and keep us secure. But year after year God keeps curving away at our rock.

One day we discover that God 's hand has created some empty space in our rock. He has been chipping away at us and now we discover a a cave, hewn out of stone.

We find that there is space to welcome people in, people who are weary, tired and in need of some space in which which to gather so that they will not feel alone. They come in and say to us

" Oh I see you have been doing some rocking dwelling, too. The curving hand of the lord has also been clipping away at your grand design and your plans and ambitions. I see you have an empty space, perhaps I may come in".


Intelligence may sometimes hinder listening. The highly intelligent persons often becomes impatient with a slower speaking individual, because he cannot be bothered waiting for him, to complete his statement and times him out.

Listening skills and others must be exercised, learned, practiced and developed, regardless of intelligent level.

Since listening is often confused with hearing, it is assumed that hearing problems are the reasons, some people don't listen. Statistics show that good hearers are usually not good listeners.

We may learn to listen the way we learn to walk, but some children don't even learn to walk properly and need correction. Listening practice doesn't always make perfect, it's possible to practice our mistakes.

Hearing describes the where about of voice sound comes from through the air to your ear.

Listening is used for the process, where by we sort the messages and decide which stimulus will have our attention.

The selective process of the brain is the main distinction between hearing and listening. We live in the world that afflicted with pollution. But one type of pollution people rarely mention is noise pollution.

Total listening is the means in which somebody uses his or her all parts of the body, his mouth, eyes, etc to make the other person loved, valued and worthwhile.

You can become an effective listener by if you show your interest in every way you know how.  And the best known of all attending skills is the skill of listening. Often many people use the word listening than attention.

We must acknowledge that listening is most important attending skill.

1. Learn the truth about listening

2.investigate the difference between hearing and listening

3.Show your interest in every way you know

4. Eliminate side excursions

5. Never interrupt.

© Don J. B Nyamunga
Kericho - Kenya

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