Friday, May 8, 2020




Pastoral care of the sick and the suffering is not limited to anointing or giving them viaticum. It includes even the needs the sick have, the needs the family have plus other services.

The work of caring for the sick is not only limited to the priests but all people of God. Jesus Christ is the doctor of life, a great healer, the doctor of doctors (Cf. EZEKIEL 34:11-16).

In the messianic activity, in the ministry of Israel Christ went around doing good Act 10:38. Jesus Christ was sensitive to all human suffering.

Sickness brings a crisis for the sufferer and the relatives. As pastors we should know the types of sickness disturbing our people. It is with this that a pastor may try to fight against the advancement of sickness.

We should make use of the community in helping in the ministry of caring for the sick. The sick would like to see that s/he is attended to in time, given assistance (material and spiritual), talked to our voices to the sick are very powerful, it brings consultation. But this should make the carers of the sick to be careful with the patients suffering from contagious diseases.

If possible use an instrument for anointing. Catechists and their wives should be given opportunity for annual retreats.

The catechist should know how to send the information to the parish priests.

- He should know to prepare the place of the sick person, e.g to see that a table is available, a candle or lamp etc.
- How to receive the pastors on arrival e.g. reverence to the Blessed Sacrament should be kept in mind.

- Should know to prepare somebody before she or he dies and also the people. The mourning shouting and confusion shouldn’t come with someone’s death. One should not necessary need to make noise in order to be heard.

There should be pastoral care for the parents and relatives to come to terms with the reality and will of God and not resort to witch hunting or curses or to waste time to know who killed the deceased.

People should not keep themselves in dangerous situations, as in sinful ways like retaliating back or looking for the cause of death.

Reciting the prayers and calling on for God’s forgiveness and making an act of contrite. A sick person who may be far from the priest can say an act of contrition hence good catechesis.

As priests we should prepare ourselves for our end since getting the sacrament of the sick at our time may be hard and difficult.

We help others into the other world it is also opportunity for us to be ready by asking for the anointing of the sick whenever we are seriously sick so as to give meaning to the sacrament.

Sick calls:

When called it is good not to waste much time. But know first the sick person’s situation as it will help you when you go there: Is he or she Christian, married, is s/he a child, youth etc.

Pray for a good journey when going, have some money when going. When the priest reaches, reads the signs that the patient is passing away, shorten the Rite of Celebration.

Oils for anointing:

- It is advisable to take along the oils of anointing whenever you go for safari.

- Keep the oil as near as possible in the house, in a ready handbag

- If there is possibility of getting first Aid box, do have it.

- Know some experts in medicine.
When we visit the sick:

- Console them

- Encourage them

- Pray

- Help the people to lead practical signs from the patients, patients expect to receive charitable services.

- Help those who are able not to overcharge the members of the sick because they are in problems.

The aged:

- Also need People who approach suffering with a merely human attitude of mind cannot understand what it means and can easily collapse in defeat. We as Christians, however being instructed in the Faith, know that suffering can be transformed.

If we offer it to God into the instrument of salvation and into a sacred way which helps us get to heaven.

For Christians pain is no reason for gloominess but for joy, the joy of knowing that on the cross of Christ all suffering has redemptive value.

Treatment outcomes when the patient's faith community prays for the patient. Treatment outcomes are those moments when a faith community who do not know the patient prays.

© Don J.B Nyamunga
Girimori Catholic Parish - Kericho

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