Sunday, October 1, 2017



Beware of people who enter your life in a forceful way. There three types of people who can enter our hearts:

Those who are invited to by the heart...they enter and leave peacefully, without a lot of drama...

There are those who enter and want to stay by force, you dont like them but they claim they love you by all means...really....

Those who enter the heart and feel peaceful and ask the question...How can I be of use in your life?...can we walk together, to know each other to reach the expected goal in life?

Which type of friends are you accomadating in your life. You need to stop for a while and do some qualitative analysis. Do not fear to call them who they ought to be called.

There are people you are forcing yourself to live with yet they have forced themselves into your heart but may not be as important as you may think. Some may not be annointed for you, allow them out and freely let them free like a bird out of its nest.

You have to learn to listen to your inner voice, intution or whatever you want to call it. Sometimes we give people the very weapons they use to destroy us. Always warming their way into our lives, pretending to be our friends.

Friends will betray us, you stop calling everybody a friend. That is the nour  few earn and fewer keep. Always God will show us the difference. Make sure friendships are balanced, spiritually mature. Those who dont suit your requirement stay away from them  and pray for them.

When you meet new people, accept them, see their intentions, where do I want them in my life if at all, I pray for them. Only God can give us unconditional friendship we seek from others.  Where there is no one else, God  will be there for us. He knows our thoughts, wishes, needs and desires. Our friends are mere mortals and we can't be expected expected to know everything there is to know about us.

There will time friends will disappoint us, do things to us we never thaought they would. In every relationship where our heart is a factor, we are vulnerable.

When we give permission to someone to love us, we also give them the power to hurt us. If a real friend disappoints, we should face it, own up to our part in it, heal the wounds and move on. After all, scripture tells us in Poverbs 27:6 "Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiples kisses."

Real friend is about trust, support and forgiveness. If you are nor sure about your friendship, pray about it, Ask the Lord to show you what is really in your friend's heart. But be ready.

Be careful of what you are praying for, you just might get it. Too often we want truth, but aren't prepared to deal with the difficulties that come with it.

If you ask God to give you something and then He delivers it, dont complain that it is not exactly what you were expecting.
He will show you a friend and then...really and you have to accept and pray for God's will to be done.

The lord has blessed ud with true friends, we should be thankful. Real friends must be cherished and protected. Once you get a true friend you can endure all of life's challenges with, bold on that person at all costs.

The friendship will never be easy but it will be worth it. Friendship like love, will always find a way.

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