Thursday, October 19, 2017

Why are Priests Abandoning their Ministry and Mission


I received this info from a dear brother and I sincerely felt we can share in this. I have done a bit of editing on it and also contributed a personal insight to it, hoping you  will enjoy reading it and share with a priestly friend you know.

It is becoming common these days to hear that a priest has simply surrender himself from the mission and priesthood.

Many seem to be caught off guard usually if not with great shock with great wonders why a priest will abandon his calling and head to the world leaving behind thousands of people that enjoyed his ministry and pastoral Spiritual enrichment.

Facts: These are statistics, call them numbers, research polls etc...etc...of priest leaving active ministry, these are out there and I want to put them across to you and do the mathematical equations of these numbers thrown out there.

👉 20% of priests exit the priesthood annually they claim.

👉Priests are not superhuman, they can get to breaking points which is true but who bothers.

👉most priests don't have people to pour their hearts to because we have built up that attitude, yet we see them as not being emotional or sensitive.

👉The only army that shoots its soldiers and lieutenants without any tangible offence is the church, quiet interesting alright.

👉 Priests neglect their own needs to meet the needs of others, when  priorities are wrong.

👉A Priest is an ordinary man in the hands of a mighty God if he trusts so.


They claim that ministering without being ministered to. Doing many good things and forgetting that you deserve the best.

Lack of delegation especially when competency seems to be thrown through the window.
Giving in to accusations and criticism. Not everything said deserves a response.

Zero retreat which may be as a result of lack of proper agenda planning. No leave or vacation, when the priest thinks nothing can go on without him, that is so selfish and too much hands on attitude.

Indifference to hobbies and recreational activities, some of those programs come in when there are already scheduled timetable, priorities come first but remembering that work without sports makes Joseph a dull priest.

Frustrations for personal needs, a bit exaggerated, a priest owns nothing personal, all that he has is simply under his proper care and use as a church custodian.

uncooperative Parish Council and Associate priests. There is nothing like such generalization. The parish council will be as it is depending on your strategic plan as a coordinator and responsible.

Do things together and delegate responsibility without any fear and you will see the marvelous works the lord can do in your parish and dioceses.

vindictive and insensitive Parish Priest, the parish is an environment that can shape or harden a priest.

If the parish is political you will get a political priest, if business and economic geared, you will see the priest in those eyes, if insensitive then you all living in that world.

Oppression from "hierarchies" in the ministry. Always there should be someone responsible either up or down, that is how the world works.
Prayerlessness. Forget God and be doomed.
Walking alone in ministry. Unless you want to an oryx.

Satanic counter attacks unless you give the devil an opportunity to run you over like an enemy in the frontline.

How to avoid burnout

Have a spiritual director that you can pour out your heart to do that he/she becomes your guide and mentor on this sojourney.

Take time out from time to time, what many would call, take 5. In every three months take one week off and don’t feel guilty about it.

Cultivate a Pattern of relaxation by engaging in some recreational activities, visiting your priest colleagues, enroll in a gym, learn to take evening walks to refresh the mind.Know when to retreat so that you don't surrender and give in to the devil.

Delegate wisely and if so empower people not to always give you calls on minor things they would do in their jurisdiction.

Relate well with your biological family members, for they are the ones who will take care of you in emergencies of long term illnesses, more so your cousins.


Share this info with any priest you care for and love him to appreciate his vocation.May God sustain our priests who Labour day and night in the vineyard of the Lord.

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